Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs (YHLB) 12 week course
12 Week evidence based programme specially designed to manage and improve chronic or intermittent lower back pain. It's an enjoyable, gentle, effective, beginner friendly course based on a study conducted by the University of York with Arthritis Research UK.
Who is this course suitable for?
- Those who like the prospect of learning methods for “getting back control of their back condition” and want to learn ways to help themselves.
- Those looking for a kind and gentle, person-centred approach to improve their back condition.
- Those whose back pain has become chronic, e.g. persistent pain or pain that is there the majority of the time.
- Those whose back pain comes and goes (recurring/episodic), e.g. several bouts each year. Don’t wait until your next episode of bad back pain – start now.
- Anyone prepared to commit to weekly classes, which teach you to incorporate some yoga skills into your daily life.
- Holistic approach – particularly beneficial for those who have:
1. stress/emotional factors (which may contribute to back pain experience)
2. injuries or health conditions that prevent participation in other exercise or sports
3. multiple conditions, e.g. headaches, hip replacement, high blood pressure (your teacher will show you modifications for maximum holistic benefit).
Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs

What does the course offer:
- A free one individual assessment prior to the course starting.
- 12 x1¼ weekly classes taught over 3-4 months (plus pre- and post-class support and advice)
- An evidence-based, specialised programme targeting lower back problems, approved by Arthritis Research UK and listed by Public Health England.
- You will learn pain relieving postures to help self-manage, acute painful episodes.
- Learn movement & postures to improve strength & mobility, body posture, breathing and relaxation techniques for long term self-care.
- Excellent course materials, a comprehensive book, 4-track Relaxation Album, home practice sheets, for life long self-care.
- 12 weeks of gentle, beginner friendly informative and enjoyable yoga classes.
- Highly-experienced yoga tuition.

Click below to enquire or register for the next course.

Initial 1:1 consultation
Health information collection
Assessment of needs
Logistics, IT, Props & equipment

12 week course
12 x 75 mins classes
Payable directly to your teacher

Resources pack
£48.50 (+P&P)
Course Book
Home Practice sheets,
YHLB Relaxation CD
(Purchase from YHLB Social enterprise)

Total Costs
Free consultation
12 x weekly classes
Resources pack for life long use